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Pre-Orders cannot be cancelled, are non-transferrable and cannot be substituted, regardless of any financial consideration that We may have taken in deposit for a Pre-Order. Clients acknowledge that Pre-Orders for General Availability are not live registrations and therefore 123 Reg cannot guarantee that We will secure any Domain Name(s). All applications made during the General Availability Pre-Order period are done so at the Client's own risk and 123 Reg will not be held liable for any Domain Name(s) that are no secured during General Availability.
Clients agree:
a) and acknowledge that when making a Pre-Order for General Availability, the Client's nominated payment card in their 123 Reg account will be charged immediately so that the Client's order can be passed to the relevant registry. In the event that PayPal is the nominated payment method, the Client's PayPal account will be charged at the point of order;
b) and acknowledge that it is the Client's responsibility to keep their details up to date and accurate during this period and that their application will not be submitted to the relevant Registry without a successful preauthorisation. Card preauthorisation is required and only conducted to ensure payment funds will be available and that full payment may be taken immediately following any successful registration. No payment will be taken for unsuccessful registrations, where card payment has been selected, and the authorisation will be released immediately for the same.
c) and acknowledge that it is the Client's responsibility to keep their details up to date and accurate during the Pre-Order period and that their application will not be submitted to the relevant Registry without a successful charge to the payment method on their account. Payment will be refunded where registration of the requested domain name is unsuccessful.
d) to release, defend, indemnify and hold Us, Our subsidiaries, affiliates, shareholders, agents, directors, officers and employees harmless from and against any and all claims (including, but not limited to, claims of trader infringement or cybersquatting), demands, liabilities, losses, damages or costs, including reasonable legal fees, arising out of or relating in any way to, the Requested Domain, and/or Client use of the Requested Domain.
e) to be bound by the Policies and Procedures of the Registry, available on the Registry's website (if you are unable to find this, you can contact us and we will send you a direct link where necessary).